Some Past Cases Handled by bike accident lawyer Clayton Griessmeyer *Results will vary on each case based on facts and law*
$15.1 Million Wrongful Death Jury Trial
Jury Verdict for a Person Riding a Bicycle Killed by a Speeding Driver. Believed to be largest bicycle case jury verdict in the entire history of Wisconsin. Posted in New York Times.
$1,689,241.79 Jury Trial
Three day jury trial. Brain injury. Car crash, three plaintiffs. Minutes before Griessmeyer was set to give his closing argument to the jury, American Family and Erie Insurance chose to pay an additional $1.5 million dollars (added to the $189,241.79 they paid before trial). Erie chose to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars more than its liability limit.
PRO BONO $260,000
Young woman driving home from work hit by drunk driver who crossed the centerline and hurt really bad. Griessmeyer obtained the uninsured limit and med pay limit totaling $260k. Griessmeyer got health insurance money to agree to $0.00 for reimbursment of bills it had paid for the victim. All money went to the victim. $0.00 attorney fee and no costs.
$4,194,627.98 Jury Trial Verdict
Man riding bicycle on path at night struck railroad crossing construction. Brain injury and shoulder injuries. Dane County, Wisconsin 2023. Insurance company made offer of $200,000 during the trial.
$569,431.81 Jury Trial
Man rear-ended suffered injury to pinkie. Offer from defendant before trial $90,000.
Bicyclist Struck from behind, hit and run. Payment came from uninsured motorist car policy.
Person on bicycle cut off by person on moped and injured. After waiting about four years, American Family chose to pay its policy limit of $250,000 instead of have a jury trial.
$884,284.79 Jury Trial
Bicyclist A-C shoulder separation. State Farm offered $14,945 to injured bicyclist before suit was filed. As part of the judgment, State Farm was required to pay double costs and $62,099.63 in interest for rejecting a settlement offer.
Wrongful Death Policy Limit
Person was struck by a car in a parking lot and killed.
$147,689.15 Jury Trial
Man riding bicycle in bike lane struck by car backing up. Stitches to shoulder area. Two medical visits. Offer by Defendant before trial $85,000
Person riding bicycle hit from behind by young driver who crossed into the bike lane while on her phone. This was the policy limit. Case settled without a lawsuit.
Jury Verdict Bicyclist (includes prepay, costs and interest. Amco Insurance. Brain injury.
Bicyclists Knee Injuries struck on bike path by motor vehicle
Person on bicycle struck from behind on highway. Brain injury.
$114,270.85 Jury Trial
Woman hit in intersection. Brusing to leg. Offer from defendant before trial $10,000.
Bicyclist hurt by person driving motorcycle pulling out of driveway
Person riding bicycle cut off by car when person driving car attempted to cross the road. Geico Insurance.
Person riding bicycle cut off by car turning left. Brain injury and facial scar. Occured on race course.
Person riding bicycle struck in crosswalk. Madison, Wisconsin.
Jury Verdict Bicyclist Struck from behind by car Allstate Insurance. Brain injury.
Bicyclist hit in bike lane. Shoulder injury
$Policy Limit
Bicyclist hurt when car turns left in front.
Bicyclist hurt by farm dog that wondered onto highway. Brain injury.
Bicyclist hurt when person driving car fails to yield at stop sign-no contact
Bicyclist hit from behind inside bike lane
Dog takes out cyclist on group ride. Broken wrist
Bicyclist hurt when person turns left in front
Bicyclist hurt when person darted out-no contact
Bicyclist doored by semi truck
Bicyclist hit from behind. Clear day. No obstructions.
$Uninsured limit
Bicyclist hurt by person who ran stop sign-hit and run
Bicyclist hit from behind. Hit and run.
Person in car turns left in front of person on bicycle.
Bicyclist car turns left brain injury
Person in car backs out of driveway into person on bicycle.
Bicyclist hurt when car leaves stop sign early
Bicyclist hurt when car leaves stop sign early
Person on bicycle hurt when driver strikes from behind
Person in car strikes bicyclist in crosswalk
Person on bicycle hurt when car rolls stop sign
Person in car turns left in front of bicyclist
Person in car turns left in front of bicyclist
Bicyclist hit in driveway where path crosses
Bicyclist cut off by driver who passed from behind.
Driver turns left in front of bicyclist at night.
Bicyclist hurt when driver leaves stop sign early.
$Pro Bono
Bikes vs. Garage Door
Pro Bono
Bicyclist hurt when person parked car in bike lane
Pro Bono
Bicyclist hurt when person driving car turns right at intersection
Jury Verdict Loss
Person on bicycle hurt when car turned right at intersection
Bench Trial S.C.
Verdict plus costs bicyclist hurt when driver made right turn on green into bike lane
Bench Trial S.C.
Verdict plus costs
Bicyclist hurt in roundabout.
Bench Trial Ticket Defense
Bicyclist won case for allegedly riding two abreast
Pro Bono
Bicyclist hurt in roundabout
Pro Bono
Bicyclist hurt when doored
Pro Bono
Road Rage driver gets out and hurts person on bicycle.
Bicyclist hurt when driver pulls into bike lane to park
Jury Trial Arizona $2500
Pro Bono trial. Admitted Pro Hac Vice.
Bicyclist hurt when driver opened door into him. Offer before hiring Attorney Griessmeyer was $600.
$5,000 [Pro Bono]
Person riding bicycle hit metal pole/bollard placed in middle of bike path. Village argued immunity from suit.
Bicyclist hurt when driver turns left in front
Person riding bicycle hurt when person driving car pulled out from stop sign too soon.
$100,000 [Pro Bono]
Person riding bicycle doored. Offer was $60,000 before help from Attorney Griessmeyer
Jury Trial Loss
Person on bicycle in mall lot near stop sign struck by person driving car. Jury found person driving car 45% at fault and person on bicycle 55%.
Bicyclist hurt when drive turns left into crosswalk
Person riding bicycle hurt when person driving car pulled out from stop sign too soon.
Person riding bicycle hit by person backing out of driveway. Initial offer to cyclist was $500.
$147,689.15 Jury Trial
Man riding bicycle in bike lane struck by car backing up. Stitches to shoulder area. Two medical visits. Offer by Defendant before trial $85,000