Do you know your rights as a pedestrian or bicyclist? Do you know what laws you need to follow when driving a motor vehicle to protect people who are walking or riding bicycles?
The printout below lists the duties and responsibilities for people who drive motor vehicles. Several laws were selected that provide specific rights to people who walk and ride bicycles. Wisconsin has specific laws that provide rights to pedestrians and bicyclists including a law that requires people driving motor vehicles to drive at a speed slow enough to avoid colliding with a pedestrian or person riding a bicycle. The laws below help make us all safe when we do things like walk, jog, ride bikes, push kids in strollers, allow our children to ride bikes on streets etc. The laws also can be used in a trial. If the judge agrees the law applies to the specific case, then the judge will tell the jury what the law says and the jury can use the law in determining who was at fault for the crash.